mountain scene

Welcome to the DIY Challenge Hub where you can find all the resources related to the DIY Challenge.

Here’s where you’ll find all the videos, tips, and tricks to transform your materials into treasures and a map of all the sheds across the UK so you can pop to your closest one for tools, materials and to meet other challengers. You can come back to this page at any time over the next nine weeks in addition to following our weekly emails. Remember to submit photos of your beautiful projects to be included in our galleries in the DIY Challenge gallery

Ready to craft?

Find your closest shed

UKMSA has shared the sheds they currently work with in the map below. There are over 700 across the UK and hopefully one right around the croner for you! You can zoom into the map by double clicking or using the scroll button on your mouse. When you've found a shed you'd like to visit, click on the house icon and see more infromation about it. In the weekly emails we send you, we'll include the sheds in your county along with contact information and a website if they have one.

The DIY Challenge Gallery

Send your photos in and see them in the DIY Challenge gallery. Uploading your photo automatically enters you into the prize draw for that week. There are great prizes up fo rgrabs so rememebr to share your photos with us. 

The DIY Challenge Gallery photos from Kenneth M, Denise C and Paula D

See the DIY Challenge Gallery