One Day: Ways to commemorate the 2022 Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day occurs annually on 27th January. It is a day for everyone to remember the millions of people who were murdered in the Holocaust under Nazi rule and in the genocides which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur.

The day is observed in many ways and is important for reminding people of the devastating effects racism, hatred and discrimination has had. It is a chance for people to teach, learn and grow to protect our societies and people.

This year, the theme is ‘One Day’, which can be interpreted in multiple ways. A big message is a hope that one day we will live in a world without genocide. It could also be interpreted to focus on one day in history. How many lives were changed on one day in the past and what happened to the people? For many, one day signifies the date that everything changed or a reminder to take one day at a time.

There are lots of ways you can commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day by taking part in online and in-person events plus various other activities.

What to do?

The Holocaust Memorial Day website has lots of resources, but most particularly it has a map for you to discover what activities are happening near you to commemorate the day.Take a look to see where the closest activity is to you.

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum (NHCM) has been hosting various events over the past weeks in the run-up to Holocaust Memorial Day; including exhibitions, talks and lectures.

On Holocaust Memorial Day itself, in partnership with its friends the Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR), and with the participation of Nottingham High School for Girls, the NHMC will be planting an oak tree in its Memorial Gardens. It is one of the locations commemorating the 80th anniversary of AJR. The tree will remain a part of its memorial gardens for years to come and is part of an initiative to re-grow Britain's declining population of oak trees. A time capsule containing the life story of one refugee will be buried near its roots.

What to listen?

Alternatively, tune into The Holocaust Memorial Day’s Learning from Genocide podcast to hear over 7 episodes the remarkable stories of genocide survivors. The first three episodes focus on the accounts of Nazi persecution and the Holocaust, but it was particularly valuable to hear from survivors of the Cambodian, Rwandan, Bosnian and Darfur genocides. The final episode has the biggest learning of all - what we can all do to learn from genocide for a better future. You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music and Podcast Addict..

What to watch?

Together TV will be commemorating the Holocaust Memorial Day with stories from the Holocaust. We will be starting with Anne Frank at 3.15pm, where Eva Schloss, Anne's step-sister and Auschwitz survivor, recounts their story and the story of Anne's Diary. Followed by Belsen: Our Story at 9pm. A raw documentary that retells people’s first hand accounts of their time at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Afterwards catch Big Sonia, the incredibly uplifting story of a Holocaust survivor, at 10.15pm. Sonia’s story is a truly heart-warming watch.

Belsen: Our Story Anne Frank Big Sonia


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