Banging Out Fleet Street...

Newspaper employees wearing newspaper hats

...Fleet Street Remembered. Banging Out! Fleet Street Remembered is based on oral history interviews with former printers and journalists in post-war Fleet Street, the home of the British newspaper industry. “There used to be a tradition in Fleet Street newspapers called ‘banging out’. It involved an employee, on the day he retired after a life-time’s stalwart service to his chosen rag, being walked by his colleagues through the presses in the print room. As he wandered towards his rendezvous with a carriage clock, the printers serenaded him by whacking the metal benches with their hammers, beating out a ceremonial slow-march to mark his departure.”

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newspaper employees picking up newspapers

Britain is a beautiful and diverse country. In the annual 2021 Diverse Film Fund filmmakers produced their own short documentary on Black British Lives Today. Together TV’s Diverse Film Fund is a newly created fund to support new creative talent to tell the stories that need to be told about Britain today. These five amazing filmmakers tell inspiring stories which you can watch here. And keep an eye out for this year's upcoming films. 

Learn more about the Diverse Film Fund >>

newspaper employee working

Together TV also shows poignant tributes, like Banging Out! Fleet Street Remembered, to the diverse people who call Great Britain home in films such as in An Outrage, Brewing Stories, and The Last Miners. 

Together TV is the leading broadcaster for social change. We run a national TV channel and digital platform which help people find inspiration to do good in their lives and communities. We programme entertaining shows like Banging Out! Fleet Street Remembered that focus on wellbeing, creativity and the quirky essence of British life, while highlighting the great work of the charitable and voluntary sector. In doing so, we open our audience’s eyes to the opportunities around them and motivate them to take part.

As a result of watching films like Banging Out! Fleet Street Remembered , our viewers do more in their local community, from volunteering for a charity to getting involved in a creative project or fundraising for a cause close to their heart. Our vision is a world where people and their communities thrive together.

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newspaper employee with newspaper. Old photograph.

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Looking for some other documentaries or history shows like Banging Out! Fleet Street Remembered? Discover the history of the great estates on Battersea Junction or watch Sinai Fleary on her dream of becoming a journalist on Women of Impact. 

Or read some of our latest news! Here are 7 ways to kickstart your self care journey, information about the NHS's 'Help!' mental health campaign, and the BEST way to kickstart the new year, or anything else for that matter. 

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