mountain scene

How many seedlings have you sprouted? ​​​

Give your surplus seedlings to friends and family so you can grow a sunflower together.

They’re a great present and a fab way to say thank you to anyone who you’re grateful to. In about 3 weeks, w​​​​​hen your seedlings are a little bigger, we'll be showing you how to transplant them into bigger pots/outside. But for now, make a list of who you want to give them to when the time comes!

We want to see how your seedlings are getting along - send us a picture by text, whatsapp or email and your photo may end up on a billboard near you! You can also share a picture in our Facebook group and meet fellow sunflower growers.

Upload to FB Group:

 You photo will be uploaded to our Sunflower Challenge Gallery, so keep them coming!

Your progress is worth shouting about so share your pics, share your seedlings and keep checking in with them.

That's week 3 done, tick it off your calendar!

Catch Danny in The Instant Gardener on Together TV or tune into the nation’s favourite, Garden Rescue. Check our TV guide for times

Click here if you need a recap of Week 2's content 'Watering'.