Just like physical health, your mental health can fluctuate. It is ok to feel depressed, anxious, and generally not yourself. It is normal to have a range of sad and happy feelings throughout the course of a day.
For some people, these feelings manifest from a mental health condition and can benefit from professional help. If you feel overwhelmed by the emotions and feelings you experience, please reach out. There is no need to be embarrassed or fearful about getting help for how you feel - just like you wouldn't deny medical care for a physical illness.
Your mental wellbeing is important to Together TV, and we want to help you in any way we can. Below you can find some organisations that can provide you with expert advice and support for your mental health. You can also reach out to our team who can directly connect you to an organisation, and we will listen to you. We hear you, and we are here for you.
To read up on mental health and find resources:
Mind is the leading UK mental health charity fighting for our right to get support and respect for mental health problems. Their resources include information on understanding mental health, helping someone else and how to find local support.
Mental Health Matters deliver high-quality mental health and social care service across the UK. Their resources include a breakdown of different mental health problems and offer a webchat service as well as a hotline.
Mental Health Awareness Week is observed every May. 2024's theme was movement, emphasising the wonders a little movement can have on your mental health. Even a short walk a day has seen to lower stress and, therefore, burnout in many adults.
In 2023, the theme was anxiety. Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem. We need to increase awareness about the impact of anxiety by providing information on the things that can help prevent it from becoming a problem.
2022's theme was loneliness and encouraged connecting to communities. One in four adults feels lonely some or all of the time. There's no single cause and no common solution, but the longer loneliness manifest people are more at risk to mental health problems. The Mental Health Foundation has guides for combating loneliness for people in all walks of life such as students, young parents and also those in later life.
Some of their advice for loneliness includes:
1. Do enjoyable things that keep you busy.
2. Try to engage with the people you encounter on a daily basis like shopkeepers and post people.
3. Spend time with our fluffy friends, pets!
To talk directly to someone:
- Call Samaritans on 116123
- Shout: Text MRF to 85258
- Papyrus Hopeline UK: 0800 068 4141
- NSPCC Childline: 0800 1111
You Are Not Alone
Get in touch with us directly and we’ll help you find your closest Mutual Aid group. You can reach Together TV on:
Phone: 020 3196 1562
WhatsApp/Text: 0744 672 1036
Email: [email protected]
Nobody needs to be alone. We are in this Together.