Life Starts on Together TV

Let's Do It Together


Ready to see where life can take you? Here at Together TV we're proud to be able to inspire you from your television. We know there is so much out there to try, so let us guide you on your first steps. If you've been enjoying some of our cooking shows featuring Nadiya Hussain and the Hairy Bikers, check out the Basil Challenge. If you're looking for something more hands on, our DIY Challenge is a great place to start. Or have you been inspired by our great history documentaries and outdoor programmes and want to discover what's on your doorstep? See what our heritage hunt can delight you with. We're here cheering you on every step of the way!

Life starts here: Join Rustie Lee in Together TV's Basil Challenge

Channel Your Culinary Creativity: The Basil Challenge

Are you a passionate foodie looking to elevate your cooking skills? Our Basil Challenge is designed to ignite your culinary creativity through growing your own herbs. Delve into a treasure trove of delectable recipes, expert tips, and captivating challenges that will take your taste buds on an extraordinary adventure. The wonderful TV Chef Rustie Lee will guide you on our Basil Challenge with video tutorials for a super easy but super tasty pasta dish to a deliciously spiced patty. All recipes will use your homegrown basil and introduce you to Foodcycle, the charity that converts surplus food into tasty meals for the community. 

Sign up now to Together TV's Basil Challenge

All Aboard for Scenic Strolls

Channel Your Inner Explorer: Choo-choose your rail trail

Discover some amazing solo and group railway walking routes near you. We know that adventuring can be more fun together, so we have found some free walking groups near you as well as your local Ramblers. 

Explore now with Together TV's heritage sites

Life Starts here: Join Together TV's DIY Challenge with Dave Wellman

Channel Your Inner Maker: The DIY Challenge

Have you always wanted to give DIY a go but unsure where to start? Or perhaps you want a refresher! Introducing, the DIY Challenge with TV DIY host Dave Wellman and UKMSA. Roll up your sleeves and dive into a world of hands-on creativity. From an inviting bird feeder to a  minimalist planter, our DIY Challenge will guide you through three DIY projects over twelve weeks that you can add your own flair to. Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, share your creations, and let your creativity shine.

Sign up now to Together TV's DIY Challenge

Explore your historic doorstep

Channel Your Inner Historian: Explore Your Local Heritage

The UK is home to hundreds of amazing heritage sites. English Heritage alone cares for 400 historic sites, and there a plenty more you can access free of charge. We have gathered together some amazing places to visit for free. 

Explore now with Together TV's heritage sites

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