Welcome to the Sunflower Challenge Toolkit
Together TV's Sunflower Challenge aims to boost people's wellbeing, teach them a new skill and connect them to their communities. In previous years, over 100,000 people have joined the sunflower challenge and the social impact it has had is heartwarming.
This year, we are extending the challenge to encourage people to sign up as teams. However, we have a limited number of seed kits and kits will be allocated on a draw basis. People can register for the challenge as themselves or with a team on our website.
Details and the opportunity to register can be found here Together TV's Sunflower Challenge
We'd love for you to help spread the word!
Please find below a selection of asset copies that you may use. If you find you need more assets, feel free to contact us:
Francesca Aita, Head of Marketing
Assets For You to Use
Please click on the picture below to access the download link
You can copy and paste this link to access the Sunflower Challenge registration form:
Text For You to Use
Get a chance to receive free seeds in the post and join Together TV's Sunflower Challenge!
New to gardening? No access to a garden? Worry not! Together TV will walk you step by step through amazing tips and exclusive videos by TV gardener Danny Clarke for nurturing your sunflower seedling into bloom. And you do not even need a garden for this.
Along the 12 week journey together, you'll have the opportunity to win great prizes, improve your gardening skills and boost your wellbeing too.
More information and the opportunity to register can be found here
What you can do on Facebook: like, comment and share the following posts.
What you can do on Twitter: like, comment and share the following posts.
Great news! Registrations for the Sunflower Challenge are now open. Join 100,000 other Brits in growing your very own sunflowers and get a chance to receive free sunflower seeds! Hosted by @BlkGardenerBlog #Gardening Join here: https://t.co/9u1rO3Jsyw pic.twitter.com/1Mg1j15vi2
— Together TV (@TogetherukTV) April 5, 2023
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What you can do on Instagram: like, comment and share in stories the following posts
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