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SUNFLOWER CHALLENGE 2023: WEEK 10 - Measuring Up

One of the best things about sunflowers is how tall they can grow. Growing sunflwoers as a team, you can also turn it into a race. Whose will grow the tallest?

You only planted your sunflowers a few weeks ago, so they’ve still got plenty growing to do. However, we want you to show off how tall they are already!

Grab a tape measure (or something you can measure your sunflower against) and send us a selfie of how tall your team's sunflowers are!

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The Sunflower Gallery

We’ll upload all your photos to our sunflower gallery so check in to see how yours compare to the others growing far across the UK.

Check the gallery

Last Year's Records

Last year, John D’s reached a whopping 9ft, Jacki G’s “Big Bertha” reached almost 10ft and Sandra O’s reached a towering 14ft!

A gif with the sunflower growth journeys from last year from Sandra, Jacki and John

Did you know?

The world record for the tallest sunflower is 30 feet 1 inch (9.17 metres) recorded in Westfalen, Germany. That’s equivalent to two cars!

If your sunflowers are getting super tall, remember you can always tie two stakes together to protect it from falling and snapping. And feeding it with fertiliser will boost it’s growth even more! 

Keep up the great work.

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