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Are you ready for another cooking challenge?

Rustie Lee is back with the second recipe, a tasty Tuscan Bean Soup!

Seasoning is very important when cooking. Seasoning helps intensify the existing flavours. The four types of seasoning are salt, pepper, acid and sweet. Finding the right balance helps bring a dish to new levels.

Tomatoes are acidic so balancing with sweet carrot and salty veg stock helps equalise those levels. Rustie uses veg stock, salt and pepper to season her soup, but be sure to taste the soup before you serve so you can balance it to your own palate:

Tasty Tuscan Bean Soup Recipe

  Salt and Pepper


Chop the onion and leeks, then fry in a big saucepan for 3 minutes on a low-medium heat. Add remaining ingredients except cannellini beans and basil. Simmer for 15 minutes.

Take off the heat and add the basil. Use a hand blender or pour the soup into a food processor to blitz at high speed.

Throw in the cannellini beans and season to taste with salt and pepper. Enjoy!

By Peter, volunteer at FoodCycle Finsbury Park shares his recipe that is popular with guests at his local FoodCycle Project.


Has your basil started growing leaves? It’ll still be small, but if you’ve got some leaves on your basil plant, start adding them to your dishes! So long as you leave some, the plant will still grow, and we’ve grown this basil to cook with. The Together For Good Facebook Group is a great place to ask any questions about your basil and to share progress pictures.

Did you make it down to your local FoodCycle or FareShare last week? Tell us how it was! Here’s a reminder of finding your closest one: